Nama Lengkap : Nanda Adhika Bagaswara
Nama Panggilan : Nanda
Kelas/No.Presensi : X MIA - 4 / 19
Kelas/No.Presensi : X MIA - 4 / 19
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Purwokerto, 01 Desember 1999
Alamat : Perumahan Sandangsari Nomor 66, Secang, Kab. Magelang, 56193
Hobi : Membaca novel (fiction atau fantasy novel) Nature Encyclopedia, , photography, planning and imagining.
Cita-cita :1. Dokter Ahli Penyakit Dalam.
2. Psikolog
3. Astronaut
2. Psikolog
3. Astronaut
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Quotes of Life :- Keep staying true to yourself even when others say something seductive or annoying. Let your emotions decide what you like or not. You can be free from the lies of the world and find peace in you and out.
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